Bulletin des sciences géographiques de l'INCT
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 17-22

Singular Spectrum Analysis Of Global Mean Sea Level Variations

Authors : Khelifa S . Kahlouche S . Belbachir M.f . Hadad M . Rami A .


The theme developed through this article focuses on the analysis of time series of Mean Sea Levet Anomalies (MSLA) of space altimetry using the singular spectrum Analysis (SSA). The aim of this study is to characterize and quantify long-term variability of the sea level. The data used are the weekly series ofMSLA, provided by space altimetry satellites from 1993 to 2009. The obtained results show that the SAA is weil adapted for the simultaneous extraction of the nonlinear trend and the seasonal signais contained in the MSLA time series. The trend, the annual and semi signais represent respectively 93.36%,6.01% and 0.34% of the total signal. The global sea level trend estimate of 2.88 mm /yr is similar to recently published results of global sea-level rise by AVISO Altimetry which is about 2.92 mm/yr.


Global mean sea level, Time senes analysis, Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA), Periodogram .