Traduction et Langues
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 7-29

Im Spagat Zwischen Zebra Und Kuh Literaturübersetzen Als Kulturtransfer Am Beispiel Von Azouz Begag (nicht Nur) Ein Praxisbericht/balancing Between The Zebra And The Cow: Literary Translation As A Cultural Transfer Using Azouz Begag And Others As A Model For A Practical Report

Auteurs : Keil Regina .


Literary works are almost interspersed with linguistic images, Metaphors, comparisons, realia and idioms from a completely different world of language and life, which document and reflect the double or triple cultural identity of their authors. Le Gone du Chaâba is a prime example of this reality. Béni ou le Paradis privé is another instance that reveals the complexity of the cultural transfer when translated from one language to another. In this article, I will consider the problems of translating the cultural items in Azouz Beggag’s novels. Then, I will discuss the different ambiguities ending with some solutions. One could certainly carry out a much more detailed and systematic analysis, especially of the intercultural and metalinguistic translation problems that the novels of Azouz Begag raises but I hope to have at least raised the awareness that a translation is much more of a process, a work-in-progress than an end product that has been completed for all time, and especially when it is a translation, which takes place at the intersection of three languages and their underlying cultures.

Mots clés

Beur literature, translation of cultural items, polyphony, Azouz Begag, Le Gone du Chaâba (Shantytown Kid), Béni ou le Paradis privé .