مجلة الاقتصاد والبيئة
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 449-466

Natural Gas As A Strategic Product In The Energy Market

Authors : Bettayeb Ibrahim Yassin . Brahami Mohamed Amine .


Abstract: International gas market horizons have changed significantly. The shift towards gas as the main source of energy imposed a new dynamic especially with the increasing interest in the environmental issues. Therefore, this paper aims at showing the importance of this resource through tackling the development of its exploitation and use and the size of its reserves. Furthermore, we try to shed light on the development of the prices and the trade worldwide using a descriptive analytical method for the available data and statistics. Consequently, we deduce that having influence on the gas market and its plans and projects is a necessary part of the geopolitical power measures currently.


Energy ; Ntural gas ; natural gas prices ; international trade of gas