Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 207-221

The Rise Of The Afghans’ National Awakening And The Achievement Of Their Independence (1880s-1921)

Authors : Mehdani Miloud . Ghomri Tedj .


Of the wars that Britain waged in Central Asia, the Anglo-Afghan wars were the ones which deserve attention. The latter went through three stages: the First Anglo-Afghan War (1838-1842), the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878-1880) and the Third Anglo-Afghan War (May, August 1919).The British intervened militarily in Afghanistan as part of the Conservatives’ forward policy to pre-empt a potential Russian invasion of India, then a British colony. Due the asymmetric nature of these wars and the difficulty to unite the Afghan mosaic ethnic groups to fight for a national cause, Afghanistan independence was delayed for years, when all the prerequisites for it were fulfilled notably, the Afghan national consciousness.


Anglo-Afghan wars, national consciousness, independence