المجلة الجزائرية للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية المتوسطية
Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 158-174

دور المكتبات في نشر العلوم في تلمسان في العهد الزياني

الكاتب : هادي جلول .


The role if libraries in the thinking Movement in Tlemcen during the Ziyanid dynasty this study is from the most important basis witch the scientific and thinking life is based on which the Ziyanid period witnessed it In this period knowledge and the art of science spread in Tlemcen , and the neigh bouring places The kings of the Ziyanid’s king lomes played a big role in building educational and cultural entreprises because in movement could developed , Without printing, In the Ziyanid period us printing movement which offered books which were, toughed in schools and these books helped in searching and reading and are put in libraries to help students and societies.

الكلمات المفتاحية

دور المكتبات في نشر العلوم في تلمسان في العهد الزياني