Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 116-134

جهود محمد بن معمر في التعريف بالتراث الإسلامي المخطوط وتحقيقه The Efforts Of Mohammed Benmammar In Introducing And Editing The Islamic Heritage

الكاتب : بوداود عبيد .


نحاول من خلال هذا المقال التعريف بأحد المؤرخين الجزائريين المعاصرين، وهو الباحث محمد بن معمر، مع التركيز على جهوده في التعريف بعدد من مخطوطات التراث العربي الإسلامي، والعمل على تحقيق البعض منها، وذلك من خلال المداخلات التي قدمها، والمقالات التي نشرها، والكتب التي حققها. This paper is an attempt to introduce a contemporary Algerian historian, Mohammed Benmammar, one of the Algerian researchers focusing on his efforts to introduce and edit a number of manuscripts dealing with the Arabic and Islamic heritage published during the last decades. For methodological reasons, we will proceed according to the following outline. First, introducing the researcher through his biography; second, shedding light on the efforts of Mohammed Benmammar in the study and preservation of the manuscript dealing with the Islamic heritage through his lectures; third, his efforts to introduce the Islamic manuscripts through his articles; and fourth, his achievements thanks to the books he published in the field of editing manuscripts consecrated to the Islamic heritage.

الكلمات المفتاحية

محمد بن معمر ; التحقيق ; التراث ; جهود ; التاريخ ; المخطوطات ; Mohammed Benmammar ; Islamic heritage ; manuscripts ; , Introducing and editing ; efforts ; history