Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 339-347

Fiction Literary Translation: A Practical Implication For The Enhancement Of Traditional Translation Methods

Authors : Hadjoui Ghouti .


This paper intends to explore the nature of literary fiction translation and to discuss the feasibility of application on the basis of translation theoretical considerations. The applicability of the approach to translation of fiction is examined in two aspects: theory basis and translation practice. The theoretical frame has considerably promoted understanding and mastery of the nature and skill of translation, relying on Vladimir Nabokov’s experience and perspectives which put forward a significant contribution to the study of fiction translation. The practical side, on the other hand, displays the use of some technical methods to prove how difficult fiction translation is, sampling Claire Durivaux translating Agatha Christie’s Endless Night.


Fiction Literary - Translation - Traditional Translation Methods