دراسات تاريخية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 57-64

تعليل التاريخ في الفكر الاسماعيلي "جدلية الإمام والتاريخ"

الكاتب : قدور طيفوري .


The interpretation of history differs according to the Ismaili understanding of those that are explained by the rest of the difference. It is made by the Imam, and the axis of Rahah, and the clear history is a timeless history. It has seven periods. Each era begins with Imam and ends. Similarly, history has been explained. The history of the Ismaili understanding is history, the history of the event, and another history is the tawwal of the event, and the latter is the meaning of their history. . This is what the researcher tried in his article.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الإمام، المذهب الإسماعيلي، المهدويﱠ ة. القاضي النعمان، الدولة الفاطمية.