Social and Human Sciences Review (SHSR) is a scientific bi-annual non-profit (NPJ) international open access journal; first published in 1994. It aims at: promoting research in the scientific fields related to sociology and humanities, providing the opportunity for thinking creativity and knowledge production, contributing to the promotion of scientific research by enabling researchers to publish their works, stimulating and strengthening research in social and human sciences, encouraging the use of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods in the fields of social and human sciences and enriching the library with various topics of scientific research and therefore providing valuable references. As for the scope of the review, it is a multidisciplinary journal specialized in all human and social fields of study such as ; social sciences, sociology, political sciences, economics, psychology, arts and literature, history, philosophy, information and communication sciences, Islamic sciences, physical education and other subfields of these domains. Social and Human Sciences review publishes articles in Arabic, French, and English. The published articles by SHSR are characterized by their absolute academic and scientific standards. Moreover, the review requires originality of the submitted articles in order to be published after being reviewed by editors and experts specialized in their fields.
بوشلقية رزيقة,
الكلمات المفتاحية: فضاء مكـاني؛ مكان ثّقافي؛ دائرة ثّقافيّة؛ المدينة.
قورة ندير,
خرموش منى,
الكلمات المفتاحية: Organizational Excellence; Leadership Excellence; Human Resource Excellence; Planning Excellence; Doctors
بوشلاغم صالح
نابتي فضيلة
بودودة نجم الدين
عتروس هيثم
زعرور لبنى
عولمي دلال
نومار مريم ناريمان
بن يحيى عباس
ذويبي خالد
قوميدي الذوادي
خليفة ماجدة
كبوط عبد الرزاق
غربي سهام
جوادة لياس
بلخير لخضر
الرشيدي هلال
الحمداني سعد ثامر ابراهيم
الدليمي لطيف مزعل صالح
شيروف فضيلة
بوشوشة هبة
Alhabsi Dr. Radhiya
Al-rahbi Nuaima
Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés