Security & strategic affairs

مجلة الشؤون الامنية والاستراتيجية


             Journal of Security and Strategic Affairs (JSSA) first issued in 2023, it is a double-blind peer- reviewed academic journal, published by Algeria Shield for Comprehensive Security and Strategic Studies Laboratory -Ali Lounici -Blida2 University. JSSA is a biannual multidisciplinary journal in July and December, that publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles across the entire field of International Relations and International Security, It is concerned with related themes from security and strategy perspectives, from the field of international relations and foreign policies, conflicts resolutuions, social and human sciences, Culture and Identity, natural and technical sciences, and as far as discussions on various security issues in general benefit,It Includes studies and articles, which discuss a wide range of thematics of concern to the contemporary world, such as: - Geopolitics, Security & Strategy. - Military Affairs. - Politics & International Relations. - Intelligence & Defence. - Peace and Conflicts resolution. - Terrorism & Cyber security. - Environmental, Food & Health security. - Energy & Economic security. - Humanitarian & Societal security. - Political and legal security...etc.

JSSA  © 2023 by Sofiane BELMADI - Blida 2 University is licensed under CC BY-NC-4.0



         JSSA warmly welcome manuscripts that contribute to collective understanding of global efforts to achieve peace and security. The journal particularly interested in articles that explore contemporary security issues and theoretical dimensions that have lasting value.

        JSSA puts great emphasis on the quality and fairness of the peer-review process. The journal is dedicated to ensuring that all submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous evaluation by international experts, as well as members of the editorial committee from various countries and international scientific and research institutions. This commitment to a thorough review process ensures that only high-quality research is published.

        JSSA encourage the submission of articles - which is open for its fourth number now, that effectively blend theoretical approaches with applied data to study modern security and strategic affairs. Such contributions are instrumental in informing the development of prevention and defense policy plans.







