The Algerian and comparative law journal is a international academic semestrial scientific journal, edited by the “public services and development” laboratory of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Djillali Liabes University (Algeria). It publishes original research in three languages: Arabic, French and English, and which its main interest of research is in general about public law studies, administrative, constitutional, international, criminal and fiscal law as well, in perspective of either cross-reading and critical. It aims to be a junction link between researchers from different countries of the world to encourage studies in public law. It targets a various audience from law researchers, magistrates, and law professionals (Lawyers and attorneys, notaries, bailiffs and auctioneers), company lawyers, public administrators, public institutions heads, law students, political sciences and management students too. The journal favors the interdisciplinary reflections which allow the approach of the law phenomenon from its various aspects. This dynamic of cross and interdisciplinary research will undoubtedly allow answering both the requirements of socio-economic in legal matter, as well as taking advantage of legal studies evolution in the rest of the world.
Benali Kenza
Hafdi Souad
Si Ali Ibtissem
Souiki Horiya
Berkouk Youcef
Debab Farah Amel
Habchi Leyla Kamila
Djebbari Hadri
Moulay جلطي قادة
Boukhoudmi Fedia
بولعسل سومية
روان حسن كمال
ولهاصي سمية بدر البدور
بن عسلون عطية
هواري ليلى
رافـــع د باح أحســــــــن
تيــــــــــــــرس مـــــــــــــراد
بوقراس رقية
بن دحو نسرين
بن طيفور نصر الدين
قادري سوسن
عبار عمر
باهي زواوية
بوكعبان العربي
حجين سفيان
شطيبـــي أمـــل
لموشية Lamouchia
بن شعيب بوسيف
جندولي فاطمة زهراء
بهلولي ابوالفضل محمد
بن مغنية طاهر الأمين
بلقايدي فاطمة الزهراء
زوقار عبد القادر
شنان إيمان
صحبي محمد الأمين
حرير هواري بومدين
وافي حاجة
حسيان رضا
بوزينة محمد
مــــالح صورية
فلاح خيرة
أوسهلة عبد الرحيم
بوبكر سعيدة
سنوسي سيد أحمد الفروق
غريسي العربي
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