مجلة الإعلام والمجتمع

Journal of Media and Society


The Journal of Media and Society, is Bi-annual academic journal, it is Open access. The journal is publishing research concerned media and communication, Culture studies, Social sciences, Marketing, Visual arts studies, Media and Islam. It is published by Chahid Hamma Lakhdar- El-Oued Univesity(Algeria), It publishes its research papers in Arabic, English and French. The journal welcomes all contributions from professors, researchers, and doctoral students from all over the world. All the articles that published by Media and Society Journal are free. The journal aims to publish new researchers in the field of media and communication that examine media issues and its problems. It targets also to highlighting media research and studies in Algeria, and encouraging Algerian researchers to publish in the field of information and communication.







المصطلحيّة الإعلاميّة: قراءة في معجم المصطلحات الإعلاميّة لمجمع اللّغة العربيّة بالقاهرة Media Terminology: A Reading in the Media Terminology Dictionary of the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo

هتهوت محمد, 

الملخص: الملخصّ: البحثُ في المصطلحات مِن أجلِّ الدّراسات اللّسانيّة وأكثرها نفعًا للّغة، إذ تزيدها اتّساعًا ودقّة ووظيفيّة؛ وإنّ المصطلح -تلك اللّبنة الأساس في لغةِ الاختصاص- صار محلّ نظرٍ وبحثٍ كلّما دعت الحاجةُ إلى التّواصل وفهم الآخر. ويقضي أيضًا تطويع اللّغة طالما أنّها تملك القدرة على استيعاب المفاهيم؛ وتوليدُ المصطلحات وثيقُ الصلة ورهنُ النّشاطِ الاجتماعي الإنتاجي. ويُشكل مجالُ الإعلامِ بِأدواته ووسائله، ظاهرةً قمينةً بالتّتبع، والأجدر مِن هذا وذاك عنصرها الاتّصالي الرّابِطِ للباثّ بِالمتلقي، تلك اللّغة الّتي تطرقُ أسماعَ الجماهير على اختلاف أذواقهم ومشاربهم. إنّ اللّغةَ الإعلاميّة لا تفتأ يتّسع معجمُها بفضل الطفرات التكنولوجية في وسائل الاتّصال؛ وتقومُ المجامع العربيّة -على تعدّدها وما وسعها- بإعدادِ المعجمات المتخصّصة والمسارد تلبيةً للسوق المصطلحيّة، ولا ريبَ أنّ معجمَ المصطلحات الإعلاميّة- كجهدٍ جماعي مجمعي- يستوقف الدارس، ويدعوه للنّظر في وحداتِه. ولا تزعُم هذه الأوراق بعد ذلك، استيفاء الموضوع مِن كلّ جوانِبه، وإنّما تروم استخلاص الملاحظات وإبداء الرأي. Abstract: Researching terms for linguistic studies is the most useful ones for the language, as it increases its breadth, accuracy and functionality, And the term, that basic building block in the language of specialization, has become the subject of consideration and research whenever there is a need to communicate and understand the other. It also requires adapting the language as long as it has the ability to absorb concepts. The generation of terms is closely related and the mortgage of productive social activity. The field of media, with its tools and means, constitutes a phenomenon that can be traced back, and more worthy of this and that is its communicative element that links the broadcaster to the receiver, the language that reaches the audience of different tastes and opinions. The media language is inexhaustible Its lexicon is expanding thanks to technological breakthroughs in the means of communication; The Arab academies, despite their plurality and capacity, prepare specialized dictionaries and glossaries in response to the terminological market, and there is no doubt that the glossary of media terms - as a collective collective effort - stops the student, and invites him to consider its units. These papers do not claim, after that, to complete the subject in all its aspects, but rather seek to extract observations and express an opinion.

الكلمات المفتاحية: حدة مصطلحية- مصطلحيات- إعلام- مجمع اللغة العربية القاهري- معجم مختص ; teademy- specialized dictionaryrminological unit- terminology- Media Cairo Arabic language Ac