مجلة المجتمع والرياضة

journal of society and sport


Society and Sports Magazine is an international refereed journal issued by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Al-Shaheed Hama University, Lakhdar Al-Wadi. This journal publishes scientific studies and academic research in the social sciences, sports sciences and physical Semi-annual activity in Arabic, French and English languages. The topic of society and sport came as the title of the magazine as a marriage between two branches (community science and sports science) stemming from the contexts of scientific results in different fields of science (psychological, social, medical ...) that emphasize the importance of sport in the life of the individual and society alike. It is considered the means for solving many of the problems facing nations and peoples, especially in light of their growth and multiple forms (crime, intolerance, extremism, ...). In addition to being the primary strategy in treating many disorders and psychological behavioral diseases, it is the way to treat many diseases such as obesity, irritable bowel syndrome ... We seek through this magazine to achieve a number of goals, which we list as follows: Publishing academic scientific works of research and studies on the subjects of society and sport. Ensuring the accumulation of knowledge, through published research and scientific studies in the fields of social sciences and mathematical sciences. - Through what this magazine deals with in scientific articles on the topics of society and sports; We are able to understand clearly and correctly what is happening in our social environment, not only that, but also working to give a set of solutions that enable smoothly overcoming social and mathematical problems. Taking care to improve academic knowledge through the objective and scientific revision of the cognitive approach included in it.



تعلن هيئة تحرير مجلة المجتمع والرياضة  عن  استقبال  المقالات من الاساتذة  والباحثين الاكادميين وطلبة الدكتورا من داخل وخارج الوطن بداية من تاريخ 18/08/2024 الى غاية 05/09/2024

 رابط المجلة  في البوابة الجزائرية للمجلات العلمية WWW.ASJP.cerist.dz  /  https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/revues/493

الا تفسار الاتصال بالبريد الالكتروني :revsocietysport81@gmail.com

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