The Journal of Civilization Problems is an open access, biannual, peer-reviewed and refereed journal issued by the «Civilization Problems Laboratory» in the Faculty of Human and Social sciences at Abou EL Kacem Saadllah University of Algeria. The main objective is to provide an intellectual platform for scholars and academics. It also aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in the field of humanities and social sciences, and become the leading journal in this field. The journal publishes research papers in the fields of humanities and social science such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, communication studies, education, ethics, history, library science, media studies, methodology. The journal is published in online versions in three languages: Arabic, English and French. The articles in the journal are open access to different users in different countries around the world in order to contribute rapidly in the advancement of scientific research. Articles should be submitted through or via the Algerian Scientific Journal Platform (asjp), and will be accepted after being evaluated by two anonymous reviewers. The editorial committee of the Journal is composed by associate editors (Professors in various fields of Human and Social Sciences). There is also professors who participate in a Journal of the articles we receive from the researchers from different countries. The editor in chief and his associates may reject the article at any time, if it does not respect the criteria of editing.
حاجي مباركة,
الكلمات المفتاحية: القرآن الكريم ; القيم ; الاخلاق ; الايمان ; التسامح ; المقاصد
حيزير رزيقة,
الكلمات المفتاحية: Keywords: Social media, Face book, interaction, road traffic awareness ; الكلمات المفتاحية: شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي، الفيسبوك، التفاعل، الوعي المروري.
معاشو نصرالدين
المختار الحاج د. الكوري السالم
خروس مصطفى
لوافي سمية
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