Algerian Journal of Human and Social Sciences
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 01-14

Al Amir Abdelkhader : Man Of State And Science

Authors : Frimeche Malika .


Generally, El Amir Abdelkader is much more known as one of the most great national heroes, because he was the founder of the Algerian modern State as well as a big fighter of French Colonization. it was specially by these two roles that Abdelkader is famous either here in Algeria , or abroad .However, focusing only these roles seems to be not fair and can be a reductionist perspective, because the contributions of this man were larger to be limited into such view. Inaddition, Abdelkader was humanist embracing and defending all cultures, religions and human values, as he was scientist, poet and writer promoting and valuating the importance of knowledge and sciences in the evolvement and emancipation of societies.


Emir Abedelkader, Science, Knowledge, social promotion