مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية
Volume 3, Numéro 4, Pages 265-299

إدارةُ أزمةِ "الطائفية" في السنة النبوية ودورُها في تعزيز الوحدة وتثبيت القبول بالآخر

الكاتب : أ. محمد قاسم حدبون .


While the Islamic religion in its principles and teachings valuing the diversity of peoples and tribes, with all its diversity of variation, and produces richer at various levels, but that religiosity might actually narrows this difference, and confiscates the freedom of speech, thought and convictions, all of which form a fertile ground for plant ill- called " sectarian ", those based on the intolerance of religion, creed or gender, race or language .. and often feeding sectarian strife on the heritage and history. It was not the Muslim world untouched by the events of days based on doctrinal or sectarian, penetration and threatens the elimination of the concept of the nation Almstzlh a debt consolidation as they appear close the city. Although crisis management -including sectarian- on the substance and the scientific basis of modern concepts of reality already known Islamic State Great since the beginning of its founding by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him; requires renewal in dealing with the events of the Prophet's biography reading and analysis, and creative in drawing skills the Prophet  keen to be planted and consolidation at the level of principles and values . Hence, make sure the importance of careful reading of the texts and heritage, combines reading and not divide, not unite dispersion, and make the concept of the elements of the nation's first and earlier than without consideration of sectarianism.

الكلمات المفتاحية

إدارةُ أزمةِ - الطائفية - السنة النبوية - تعزيز الوحدة - القبول بالآخر.