مجلة أنثروبولوجية الأديان
Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 04-20

Simulative Identities Or Live For The Constructed Communities In The Muslim World

Authors : Haci Duran .


Civil wars in the Muslim world and other many regional parts of world are explained with marginalization, exclusion and belonging of social identity. The origin of using context of these three concepts is based on the tradition and historical metaphors. In ancient societies, social identity was determined according to social formation such as community, group, tribe, ethnicity, nation, and religion, sectarian and religious order. As is known, all social identity and belonging contain exclusion and marginalization at the same time. Provocative factors that ensure participation of people in social conflicts are also taken form according to social networks based on these categories. These are the social belonging and exclusion mechanism of traditional societies. However, the constitution of modern community took place with the construction of alternative social identities to these mentioned identities. Modern process of school and education, urbanizing, industrialization, market economy, division of labor, political relation and manufacturing types make ineffective traditional social networks. People gave up expressing themselves with traditional social belonging. As a matter of fact, modern nation state and modernist values rebuild the education, business, persuasion and market of solidarities and demolished traditional. As a result of this, national identification, groups of professional solidarity, industrial unions and doctrinal discourse of power and society had control over. In our age, belonging of people was constituted with these modern social networks. Nowadays, the common people participate to post-modern communities, groups, tribes and religious groups that are exist within the structure of public discourse. Social identities, belongings, boundaries, competitions and type of exclusion – all of these takes shape according to these self-renewing social mechanism. Ironically, post-modern belongings and identities get into circulation in global social and political markets under the influence of sectarian, religion, tribe and communities. Global media and conscious release these social belonging that constituted of many different social networks and values, with codes by memories of a century ago. Anthropologie des religions Numéro 20 Janvier 2018 5 Are the structure of hostility of Islam or xenophobia which signified with hooliganice images in western countries, and the social networks and discourse of actors participated to these images can be seen the repetition of classic culture of crusader? Apparently, these images do not live on traditional values as though they endure on them. Emergent social movements within the framework of seeking of the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammet, anti-imperialist attitudes and anti-Semitism in Islamic countries are based on historical sectarians and social formations. How much these post-modern resistance forms live on the precise Islamic traditions? Does it explain the problem and see them as an extension of the historical of belonging? My personal opinion, none one of these new social identities comes in sight in Western societies and Islamic societies, is not formed on the traditional social identities and values. Traditional images are used as a material of consumption and demonstration for the construction of these new social identities. In this study, identities which are constructions of social movements becoming the main topic of conversation within the framework of anti-terrorism, xenophobia and islamphobia in western countries during the recent years are examined. I will discuss how much these identities could be linked with historical metaphors and real life experiences. In the same way, in Islamic countries, identities built of group having the images of salafism, sunnism or shiism and the linked of these identities with their archetypes will be explained. In addition, the effects of many factors such as communication technologies, performance arts and consumptions patterns on the construction of identities and on the fabrication of anti-identities will be conceived.


Simulative Identities, the constructed communities, Civil wars in the Muslim world, traditional societies, Modern social networks, İslamophobia, Salafizm, Sunnism, Shiism, communication technologies