دراسات إنسانية واجتماعية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 77-92

القطيعة المعرفية بين فلسفة ابن سينا وفلسفة ابن رشد (قراءة في مقاربة محمد عابد الجابري )

الكاتب : يموتن علجية .


Abstract: Mohamed Abed Al _Jabri divides the philosophical Islamic thought in the middle age into two separate and independent sections : the philosophical school in the Orient which is associated with the Al- Farabi, Avecenna , Al_ghazali ... and the philosophical school in the Arab Maghreb which is associated with Avempace, ,Averroes ...using the concept of epistemological rupture. Based on this concept, Al_jabri asserts that philosophy in the Arab Maghreb and Andalusia is not a continuation of the Eastern Philosophy, but it is completely independent from it. Thus, it caused a rupture with the Eastern philosophy in term of problems, methods, visions or concepts. Al_jabri describes Avecenna’s philosophy as irrational, spiritual and obscurant; whereas, he finds Averroes’s one as rational, realistic, scientific and secular. For him, Avecenna reached a level of rationality in Islamic philosophy that no one reached before and preceded, so that he cut with and Avecenna philosophy in the Orient as a whole.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Avecenna’s philosophy. Averroes’s philosophy. epistemological rupture