Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 151-160

The Concept Of Face In Algerian Expressions

Authors : Lynda Dali Youcef .


Abstract Face is a socio-cultural construct. It is created by the participation of others during social interaction. It is a complex entity shaped in terms of social values. In other words, face is a complex image of self which is socially constructed and determined by a system of cultural values. The study aims to examine the perceptions of the concept of ‘face’ in the Algerian culture. In particular, it focuses on how such perceptions are reflected in the Algerian interactions by using some idioms and proverbs. Thus, this paper analyses the interaction between speakers interacting with each other by using some expressions that include the body part of face in order to express their negative and positive emotions. The negative emotions ‘face threatening expressions’ include shame, anger, fear, and sadness, and the positive emotions ‘upgrading expressions’ include happiness and love.


face; face threatening acts; face upgrading acts;politeness; social norm.