IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 141-150

The Role Of Extensive Reading For Vocabulary Acquisition In Esp

Authors : Haddam-bouabdallah Faiza .


Development in the field of EFL teaching during the last two decades have given birth to ESP as a new branch in the field of English teaching. Many countries, Algeria among them, have given much importance to the learning of English in order to contribute to national and international scientific development and to achieve progress in different scientific fields. Strongly related to that, at the university level, graduate students are required to read and understand written documents in relation to their different fields of study since they are expected to use recent articles and to attend international conferences. So, ESP learners can acquire vocabulary through Reading. But studies have shown that only little amount is learned by ESP students. The reason is that extensive reading is neglected. This paper is to describe the relationship between extensive reading and vocabulary in order to show the impact of text frequency on acquisition of word meaning and spelling.


extensive reading, vocabulary acquisition, incidental learning, explicit instruction, ESP context.