Volume 24, Numéro 1, Pages 75-120

إجراءات المنعة في سياق المدغمين

الكاتب : Bawazir Laila .


In this paper I set off from the assumption that a geminate segment which phonetically occupies three skeletal positions in a strict CV-syllable model, is an extraordinary segment which bears an autosegmental task to license an empty category in the midst of its government domain. Furthermore, this unique domain is said to account for the firm bond between two onsets (or two nuclei) and blocks their interaction with segments in their context, yielding a phonologically inaccessible and unbreakable geminate domain. Relying on acoustic evidence and phonological phenomena, this autosegmental perspective explains gemination in Arabic as the savior of empty syllables by claiming a process of lengthening which extends across an onset and its nucleus from a postpositioned governor. It also allows for a justification for the extended length of long vowels when followed by a geminate. The study concludes that geminates in Arabic may only be formed iff they stand on a five-positional ground as they require stress as a fundamental element in the construction of their domains. The formation of such domains builds on the deletion of one or two underlying segments, resulting in two empty categories which trigger compensatory lengthening. Phonological inaccessibility and unbreakability of geminate domains are both explained as results of interconstituent government, stress and lengthening.

الكلمات المفتاحية

embedding empty categories; compensatory lengthening; domain inaccessibility