Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 67-74

مفهوم الفيلسوف الفنان عند فريدريك نيتشه

الكاتب : بعارة أمال .


We have revealed to us Nietzsche all the manifestations of decadence buried in the metaphysic, Halawat Al-Dunia for the renewal of philosophy and the task of the philosopher from introductions aesthetic, creative our new philosopher called "creative artist" who announced his arrival in his book philosopher, Valfelsov artist is a philosopher that the director and Almnarj, which is goal Nietzsche out of the liabilities of Western metaphysics, because he alone is capable of Western bilateral remove, and destroy-based values and create new values the emerging life and denies all forms of negation and decadence

الكلمات المفتاحية

Philosopher; Art; Creativity; Life Experience; Overtaking; Nietzschean Philosophy

سؤال التربية عند فريدريك نيتشه

بركاني حسين .  عمراني عبد المجيد . 
ص 149-162.

جدل الميثولوجيا والفن في فلسفة فريدريك نيتشه.

بوجنان محمد الأمين .  عفيان محمد . 
ص 494-515.