Volume 19, Numéro 1, Pages 40-43

Letter To The Editor: March Towards Prevention Of Neural Tube Defects In Africa

Authors : Kelani Aminath . Sani Mato Sahidou . Beketti Anthony . Ghomsi Nathalie . El Ouahabi Abdessamad . Catala Martin .


Neural tube defects currently constitute a real public health problem in Africa. They still remain the most frequent pediatric pathology found in neurosurgery departments on the continent lead to serious neurological disability (motor, sensory, sphincter and cognitive). This requires continental collective action to better assess their real incidence and prevalence, which until now remained poorly known, due to published results usually of hospital origin, and beyond that, to implement rapid and urgent continental prevention measures.


Neural tube defect ; continental research ; Incidence ; Prevalence ; Prevention