مجلة القانون والعلوم البينية
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 25-38

International Obligations Under The Climate Change Agreement And Their Impact On Environmental Asylum

Authors : Abbas Abdelkader .


This article explores the interaction between international climate change agreements, exemplified by the Paris Agreement, and the emerging concept of environmental asylum. It investigates the influence of climate commitments on the protection and treatment of individuals displaced due to environmental factors. By analyzing the goals and strategies of these agreements, the study highlights their impact on global responsibilities. It also examines the legal complexities surrounding the recognition of environmental asylum within existing frameworks. The article further assesses the potential benefits of climate agreements in raising awareness and promoting collaboration, while also considering possible barriers to entry for environmental asylum seekers. Through ethical deliberations and real-world cases, the article underscores the moral imperative to address this evolving challenge. In conclusion, the study suggests innovative legal approaches and international cooperation to effectively address the interface between climate action and the safeguarding of those displaced by environmental circumstances, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.


Environmental Asylum, Climate Change, Environmental Goals, International Protection.