Beam Journal of Economic Studies
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 412-425

Producing Electricity From Solar Energy In Algeria Is A Strategic Alternative To Securing Traditional Energy Supplies.

Authors : Nedjah Aicha . Boukadir Rabiaa . Boudjehich Khaldia .


Our study aims to highlight the role of solar energy in replacing traditional energy because it is environmentally friendly, and does not harm human health, and is subject to development and modernity, and its source is inexhaustible. To answer the problem and test the hypothesis, we relied on the descriptive and analytical approach. To be a pioneer in achieving sustainable development, as it possesses huge capabilities of renewable energies, especially solar ones, and our country enjoys a very high sun exposure of up to 3500 hours annually in Adrar and Ain Salah and 2600 hours annually in the northern regions of the country, and this is what encourages it to invest in it However, this energy is untapped, and therefore we, recommend the necessity of reviewing the laws and legislation that encourage orientation towards this sector, benefiting from pioneering experiences in the field of technology, and energy re-engineering, to meet the challenges.


electricity ; solar energy ; securing ; traditional energy ; Algeria