مجلة العبر للدراسات التاريخية و الاثرية في شمال افريقيا
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 120-135

المنظومة الصحية الفرنسية والمشروع الاستعماري للجزائر خلال القرن 19مـ-المهام والابعاد The French Health System And The Colonial Project In Algeria During The 19th Century-manifestations And Dimensions

الكاتب : بكاري عبد القادر .


Abstract: studying the topic of medicine in Algeria during the colonial period représenta an important aspect of Algerian national history. The Heath situation served as a reflection of the political and social conditions in Algeria during the19th Century. This period was the primary foundation of the colonial era Algeria with both militar and civilian efforts working together to establish its presence in Algeria. From the outset, the French state recognized the necessity of utilizing the healthcare system by the early recruitment of doctors in the metropolis. Their need for doctors was as significant as their need for the military, given the bleack image of Heath conditions that had been portrayed in Algeria before the occupation by spies and their reports. These reports revealed the widespread spread of diseases and deadly epidemics, particulary in the city of Algiers. undoubtedly, the French healthcare system played a prominent role in this context. The care and attention provided by doctors to the French army during its expansionist wars through the establishment of fixed and mobile hospitals, as well as the invention of medicines to combat diseases and epidemics, distinguished many doctors who attempted to uncover the reality of the health conditions in Algeria during that period. They relied on their abilities and professionalism to confront the challenging climatic and infectiizous conditions. While local studies on the topic of medicine in colonial Algeria are scare and have only addressed specific aspects, French researchers conducted extentensive studies from various angles. Even some high-ranking military leaders in the state apparatus emphasized the importance of relying on the medical system and doctors in the process of colonial expansion. Among them were leaders like De Bourmont, the commander of the French campaign and lyauty the African, who believed that the medical efforts provided to the local population justified colonial expansion.

الكلمات المفتاحية

medicine and doctors ; diseases and epidemics ; Lucien Baudens ; french colonization ; Val- DE grass