مجلة الباحث في العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 148-159

Poverty In The Policy Of The French Colonial Administration Between The Two Wars(1919- 1939) And Its Social Effects In The Countries Of The Maghreb.

Authors : Larbi Ismail .


In this study, I try to shed light on some of the practices of the French administration within the framework of its colonial policy in The countries of the Arab Maghreb (= Algeria, Tunisia and the Far Maghreb), and this policy is related to the policy of impoverishment that contributed to the deterioration of the situation The social conditions of the peoples of the three countries of the Maghreb, so that the French sought to tighten their grip and impose their control against the countries of the Maghreb within the framework of the so called colonial project, and this is by increasing the plight of the peoples of Maghreb, their poverty and misery, which is This prompts us to research the problematic of this policy and its effects, following well-known historical methods such as the descriptive method.and analytical, and we divided this paper into three basic elements, through which we dealt with the policy of impoverishment in each of the countries of Maghreb.


French colonialism; Maghreb countries; poverty; misery; colonial policy.