مجلة الباحث في العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية

Journal El-Baheth in Human and Social Sciences


Journal El-Baheth in Human and Social Sciences is a Trimestral scientific, specialized, open access scientific journal that is issued and edited by University El-oued,Algeria. It was founded in 2010 and is interested in the dissemination of original applied research, which has not been previously published and which is treated in a documented scientific method in the field of human and social sciences, psychologie and éducation sciences, sociology, demography, anthropology, philosophy, history, communication sciences,The journal aims are to disseminate sciences within the framework of its specialization. It targets postgraduate students, professors and all researchers, whether in research or academic circles, government departments or social institutions at the national and international levels. The research is published in three languages: Arabic,French;spanish,English.


إعلان هام

إعلان هام

 يعلم طاقم تحرير المجلة بأن باب استقبال المقالات مُعلق حاليا إلى غاية معالجة كل المقالات المرسلة لحساب المجلة،وذلك لدواعي تنظيمية، ابتداء من  4 افريلإلى 15 اوت 2024

،وعدم احترام الشروط الشكلية والمنهجية لقالب المجلة يرفض المقال آليا

ويجب أن لا تتجاوز نسبة الاقتباس والاستلال 20%.


 رئيس التحرير

الاستاذ الدكتور رضوان شافو








Foreign Quality Assurance Systems and Accreditations: Its impact on Higher Education sector development in Developing Nations

الحليبي مصعب, 

Résumé: This paper explores potential application issues around foreign quality assurance systems and international accreditations in the developing nation’s higher education sectors. Taking an exploratory research approach involving a contextual and ideological analysis of the subject in literature studies, the study evaluates significant information more specifically how international accreditation and quality assurance system in developing nations higher education sector impact on development of education sector. The study discusses how such assurance systems and accreditations have been implemented with a critical analysis of how they should be implemented to benefit the developing nation’s quest for higher education development and their relative necessity in the age of globalization. Emergent aspects including the new methods of teaching and learning that showcase the limitless potential of alternative approaches, the effects of international accreditation and quality assurance of higher education including issues of fairness and transparency, and some inherent challenges including financial, social, cultural, and potential education development problem are presented. The study emphasizes the importance of cooperation among agency experts as an apt way to achieve desired educational outcomes. Further it concludes that the developing nations need to reconsider and refine national frameworks pertaining to international accreditation, enabling enhanced competitiveness in the international educational domain and push for local educational development initiatives.

Mots clés: international accreditation ; quality in higher education ; academic accreditation ; quality assurance ; foreign quality systems ; developing countries ; higher education ; educational neocolonialism