أبحاث قانونية وسياسية
Volume 8, Numéro 3, Pages 325-336

Examining The Applicability Of The Refugee Label To Environmental Migrants

Authors : Bendjemil Aziza .


Abstract: The current international situation involves many threats to human security, due to the exacerbation of many problems, especially environmental ones. The link between environmental problems and international security has become very close due to their global nature. Through its periodic reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change confirmed the increase in the frequency of harmful effects of climate change such as: extreme weather events and natural disasters, sea level rise, floods, heat waves, drought, desertification, and water shortages..., which significantly contributed to the spread of the phenomenon of global climatic migration. Accordingly, this study aims to show the shortcomings of international protection for environmental migrants, and to highlight attempts to recognize them as refugees, even in the long term.


Keywords: Climate change. environmental immigrant. refugee