Communication science et technologie
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 33-40

Prediction De La Reponse Inelastique Des Murs En Beton Arme.

Auteurs : Khalfallah Salah. .


This work presents a bi-dimensional finite element procedure, which simulates the inelastic response of reinforced concrete walls. This approach couples the elasticity theory with the cracking phenomenon. ln the cracking range. the phenomenon largely observed for Re structures' has been treated using the smeared crack model. For simplified reasons on numerical level. a perfect bond between steel and concrete is considered. To validate the developed numerical program and the performance ofthis approach. a series ofRC walls tested at the Colorado University are analysed. A well correlation is observed between results obtained with this simulation and the experimental data.

Mots clés

Théorie élasticité linéaire: phénomène de fissuration : Comportement orthotropique: Béton fissuré: modèle de lafissure répartie: Murs en béton armé: Chargement monotone: Concept de 1'énergie de fissuration.