الحوار الثقافي
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 360-372

The Problematic Of Meaning In Wittgenstein’s Early Philosophy

Authors : Kadri Abderrahmane .


This article deals with Wittgenstein’s early theory of meaning. That means the representative or descriptive theory which established a new vision in the field of philosophy of language. It is so necessary to simplify implicitly the main concepts of this contribution such as, names, propositions, things and facts. That could be achieved by focusing on Wittgenstein's approach in distinguishing between propositions that have meaning and which are meaningless. Furthermore, this article gives more importance to different conditions that led to language misunderstanding in order to determine the limits of what can be said, in other words, the logical conditions that govern both language and thought. Hence, the goal is searching for better understanding to Wittgenstein’s early theory of meaning and trying to find a reasonable interpretation to it within the scientific context.


Language ; Meaning ; Wittgenstein ; Representative Theory ; Philosophy of Language