مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 13-28

L'ecole De Bamba Modou Et La Diffusion De L'enseignement Arabo-islamique Au Sénégal

الكاتب : Niane Babacar .


Un des pionniers de l’enseignement arabo-islamique, Mouhamad Bamba Sall a joué un rôle primordial dans la diffusion de l’Islam et de ses préceptes au XIXe siècle au Sénégal. Originaire du Fouta Toro (Nord du pays) où son arrière-grand-père avait quitté pour se diriger à l’intérieur du pays, Saloum fut leur domaine de prédilection. Alors, après un long périple à la recherche du savoir, il rentra au bercail avant de fonder son fameux foyer historique et religieux qu’est Bamba d’où son nom de Mouhamad Bamba Sall. Enseignant hors pair, il marqua son empreinte d’une manière indélébile grâce à l’action dynamique de son école arabo-islamique que le Saloum oriental n’ait jamais connue. Ce foyer religieux d’une grande envergure fut le point de convergence de beaucoup de talibés de cette contrée et des régions limitrophes. Même si l’enseignement coranique occupait le devant de la scène, il faut signaler que l’enseignement religieux et littéraire était non négligeable. Summary Mouhamad Bamba Sall, who was one of the pioneers in the Arab-Islam teaching field in the 19th century, has played a paramount role in the spreading of Islam and its precepts in Senegal. His lineage is to be located in Futa Toro (North of Senegal) - a place his fore grandfather left to migrate in the inner Senegal, especially in the area known as Saloum. After he journeyed for a long while in search of knowledge, he decided to go back to his native land and founded his renowned historic and religious teaching center called Bamba. The school name Bamba will stick to his very name and determine how he will be later known as Mouhamad Bamab Sall. He was an outstanding teacher as his contribution and dynamism to his teaching center made the school known throughout the entire Eastern Saloum at that time. That teaching center was a great religious meeting place for students who would come from far and wide. What needs to be stressed is that besides the Qur’an, which was the most important aspect of the teaching programme, religious and literary teachings were not at all overlooked.

الكلمات المفتاحية

enseignement, foyer, talibé, connaissances, études