Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 43-52

The Symbolism Of Animals And Their Relationship To Humans In The Civilization Of Kurdistan- Iraq/ Mesopotamia

Authors : Dr. Al- Turkey Qusay . Dr. Ahmed Akrawy Emad Shakir .


Abstract: The natural environment in the ancient civilization of North Mesopotamia was one of the factors affecting the evolution of the beliefs and rituals of its population. The animals that accompanied ancient humans during the course of their lives in the periods of the Stone Ages (between the food gathering stage and the food producing stage) have influenced humanity and gained our respect because of their contribution to an important symbiotic relationship. This relationship is all the more powerful since animals resemble humans in terms of biological characteristics such as organs, limbs, head, eyes, and the senses. It is well-known that the cave human and the first villagers co-existed with animals such as mountain goats, which lived on natural pastures in the coastal areas and semi-mountainous regions. But the relationship between humans and animals took on a special character after humanity’s transition from primitive life to the more civilized urban existence. Archaeological evidence suggests that it is possible and highly likely that the civilization of North Mesopotamia actively engaged in the sanctification of distinctive species of animals, leading to the emergence of religious rituals related to certain animals since the tenth millennium B.C. The following are aspects of these rituals relating to human belief and thought, which connect the co-existence of animals and humans in the civilization of ancient North Mesopotamia.


Mesopotamia ; Symbolism ; ancient civilization ; Animals ; Humans ; Magical Ritual