مجلة طبنـــة للدراسات العلمية الأكاديمية
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 2080-2086

Use Of Zero-inflated Model As Prediction Of Maternal Mortality In Four States Of Sudan

Authors : Osman Abdallah Suhad Ali .


This study aimed to test application of Zero-inflated model in prediction of maternal mortality in 4 states in Sudan, namely White Nile, Gedarif, North Kordofan and Centre Darfur States. Results showed that using the bivariate intrinsic CAR specification for spatial random effects into zero-inflated models that already account for correlated count data slightly improved the fit, and that this is more pronounced when using the Poisson distribution, a surprising result based on our findings from where the Negative binomial distribution outperformed the Poisson distribution for any considered extension.


Key words : Zero-inflated, prediction of maternal mortality.