Volume 23, Numéro 2, Pages 209-244

الحيل وأثرها في سقوط الحقوق في الفقه الإسلامي The Impact Of Using Legal Fiction And Its Consequances On The Islamic Jurisprudence Law

الكاتب : حملات سعيدة .


الملخص: يتناول البحث موضوع الحيل وهو موضوع حساس اختلف فيه الفقهاء قديما و حديثا،حيث يرى البعض أن الحيل هي مخارج من المضائق،في حين ذهب غيرهم الى تحريمها لأنها تناقض مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية.وقيدها آخرون بالشرعية.وللحيل اثر في إسقاط الحقوق سواء كانت حقوقا لله تعالى كالعبادات والحدود أو حقوقا والبحث يتناول نماذجا من اثر الحيل المسقطة للحقوق سواء كانت حقوقا لله أم حقوقا للعباد، Abstract: Islamic jurisprudencial tricks are one of the most important issues to discuss. In fact, it is a pretty varried topic that is way there are a lot of discrepancies between different Islamic jurispredencial schools and scolars about this subject. Thus, some of them consider it as a way to escape from the toughness and the exegence of some cases however, other consider it as a prohibited act since it leads to the contrast of the purposes of the islamic legislation .In order to find a solution to these discordances, some of them associate it legitimate, relaying to the Hadith « tricks are legitimate fact » to show that it is a wrong deed though ; however, other named it as a legitimate solutions or tricks. Legitimate solutions or tricks have agreat impact on various jurisprudencial fields wheather they are related to worships, transactions or punishements. The research also tackles a brunch of different jurisprudencial issues that expose the impact of the tricks on the legitimate divine law.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الكلمات المفتاحية: الحيلة الشرعية؛ المخارج؛ الحقوق؛ السقوط؛ المعاريض. ; jurisprudence. Keywords: trick; legimate fact; issues; law; loss of the right of;