آفاق علمية
Volume 13, Numéro 4, Pages 398-414

صورة الآخر في الرواية العربية"موسم الهجرة إلى الشمال"للطيب صالح أنموذجاً ((the Image Of The Other In The Novel( " The Season Of Migration To The North"tayeb Saleh

الكاتب : يوسفات لطيفة .


ملخص في هذا المقال نتحدث عن صورة الآخر في رواية موسم الهجرة إلى الشمال للطيب صالح تلك الصورة التي عكس من خلالها طبيعة العلاقة بين الأنا والآخر، أو" الشرق والغرب" حيث تميزت بالحياد حيناً،وبالسلبي حيناً آخر،و بالإيجاب أحياناً أخرى. هدف الطيب صالح من كل ذلك أن يبعث رسالة للأجيال بأن تتمسك بالوطن وبالقيم الصانعة لشخصية الإنسانية الفاعلة التي تسعى إلى التغيير نحو الأفضل دون الذوبان في الآخر. Abstract: - In this article, we talk about the image of the other in the novel The Season of Migration to the North by Al-Tayeb Saleh, which reflects the nature of the relationship between the ego and the other, or "East and West" that relationship was characterized by impartiality, and passive at other times, and affirmative at other times. - the aim of al tayeb saleh from all of this to send a message to the rising generations, To adhere to the homeland, and to the values that create the active human personality that seeks change for the better without melting into the other. . After analyzing the novel, we obtained the following results: The image is a set of judgments, perceptions, and impressions, which one person or group takes from another, and it uses logic and a basis to evaluate this person and to determine his position on him.Mostafa Said embodies the tragedy of the modern man, how his personality was shaped, and the .situation he reached. The Narrative space plays an effective role in drawing events as it is the basis of the Al-Hana / Al-Ina, and there is no other / (abandoned place: the village / and a place abandoned to it: the city). The ego varied according to the location of the hero, the ego before migration, the ego in the diaspora, and the ego after the migration, in each period or stage the hero took a different relationship with the other; Positive (continue). The relationship with Al-Tayyib Saleh, according to the West, is violent, complicated, charged with a long history, full of knots and delusions, with love and hatred together

الكلمات المفتاحية

الأنا،الآخر،الهجرة ، مصطفى سعيد ، جين موريس،لندن،السودان. ; Keywords: (ego- The other one- Mustafa Said- Immigration- Jane Morris- Sudan- London