Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and Society (JSLCS)
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 44-56

Gender-identity Formation In The Algerian Second Generation Elt Materials: The Case Of My Book Of English Middle School Year One

Authors : Selama Sid-ali .


Scholars in the field of education stress the importance of gender equality in children textbooks for the negative impact of sexism on learners from both sexes. As the title implies, the present paper attempts to qualitatively and quantitatively examine “My Book of English Middle School Year One” in order to find out whether or not gender biases issue is avoided in the textbook. Based on the results of previous studies conducted in the field of textbooks analysis, which had revealed a considerable amount of sexism being imbedded in the First Generation EFL textbooks, it was hypothesized that the currently used textbook, which was recently produced with the implementation of the Second Generation of the Algerian Educational System, also incorporates gender stereotyping. We used Michel’s (1986) criteria of analysis to investigate the way males and females are represented in the meant textbook. Analysis results indicated that gender bias still exists in the Algerian ELT materials.


Second generation program, ELT textbook; young learners; social value