Revue Maghrébine des Langues
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 269-283

Specificity Of The Use Metaphor By Old Kabylians Speakers (70 – 90 Years Old) In Their Everyday Social Interactions

Authors : Hamane Soraya .


Because of the significant role of metaphor in our lives and in our culture , we almost all bring different interests to it ,this is the reason why I tend and take the opportunity to check whether metaphors are much more powerful instruments rather than being an ordinary ornament, i.e., metaphors are not just an empty play with words or even a free play for ideas, but they need to be in harmony with the social and historical setting with the beliefs and personal constructs of the society or micro society of the time. In this paper, I tend to demonstrate that metaphors not only make the old kabylians thoughts vivid and interesting, but they actually structure their perceptions and understanding. Metaphor is pervasive in their everyday life, i.e., metaphors play a central role in defining the old kabylians everyday realities. The aim is to show clearly that my category of informants (70 – 90 years old) are not using metaphors just for shaping their views in life in present, but metaphors are setting up expectations for the future, i.e., metaphors are rooted in the beliefs, practices and intentions of language.


Specificity of the use Metaphor by old kabylians speakers (70 – 90 years old) in their everyday social interactions