مجلة المعارف للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 442-463

مؤتمر آكرا الأول أبريل 1958والثورة الجزائرية

الكاتب : عبد الكريم بلبالي .


The first Accra African Conference was held in exceptional international and local circumstances that has overshadowed the conference and has represented one of the most important reasons that led to its organization, as well as it has great impact on its decisions. The independent Arab African countries were invited to attend the conference, in addition to Algeria represented by the National Liberation Front. The conference has a focus on two main issues; the African unity and the Algerian issue, while the revolution of liberation in Algeria was ongoing and had its impact over the general situation in Africa.

الكلمات المفتاحية

أكرا؛ الثورة الجزائرية، فرنسا؛ القوى الاستعمارية.