Revue Académique de la Recherche Juridique
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 611-630

The International Criminal Court Mechanism To The Implementation Of Responsibility To Protect: Darfur Case Model

Authors : Gouasmia Siham .


The enormity of the crimes witnessed by the contemporary world led the international community to search for a judicial legal mechanism that would punish all those who makes intimidate humanity and threaten its security and safety. That already embodied in the establishment of a permanent international criminal justice system, which represented a balance margin between a State as an independant sovereign entity and the international community rights. However, the establishment of an international criminal court does not mean that it exercises supreme authority over the States national jurisdiction or takes precedence over it in the adjudication of international crimes within its jurisdiction. This is the matter that Darfur crisis was based on that became a human tragedy that has been contributed by many parties to intervene in the territory, so the States resorted to the term R2P (responsibility to protect) imposed by the moral duty of international community. where as the Security Council passed resolution 1593, according to which the Council referred the situation in Darfur to the International Criminal Court, which in turn showed its readiness to exercise its responsibility to protect by the Attorney General.


Darfur ; Genocide ; Security Council ; International Criminal Court ; Attorney General ; responsibility to Protect