The Journal of Modern Economic and Sustainable Development is a regular international scientific journal, published semi-annually (June, December), non-commercial , non-profit and open-access, issued printed and online by the University of Ahmed ben yahia alwancharissi TISSEMSILT (ALGERIA). The journal publishes scientific research in three languages: Arabic, English and French. It also enables the journal to access and contribute to specialized academic scientific research and to present original research that is presented accurately and objectively in a scientific way that matches the specifications of the refereed articles. and aimed at attracting researchers from all over the world (professors, graduate students both academics and professionals).The most important topics of the journal include: Business, Management and Accounting, Business Administration and International Management, Technology and Innovation Management, Marketing, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Strategy and Management, Tourism, Economics and Standard and Financial Economics. The journal includes an editorial board and international reviewers working in accordance with international conditions and standards in a manner that ensures transparency and credibility in the treatment of scientific research
يتشرف رئيس تحرير وفريق مجلة الاقتصاد الحديث والتنمية المستدامة بدعوة جميع الأساتذة والباحثين وطلاب الدكتوراه لارسال مشاركاتهم ومساهماتهم البحثية.
مع تحيات
رئيس تحرير المجلة
أ د العيداني إلياس
ساعد غنية
بوعمرة فتحي
عرابي محمد
شقراني بوبكر
كوار عائشة
العيداني الياس
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