دراسات العدد الاقتصادي

Dirassat Journal Economic Issue


Dirassat Journal Economic Issue (ISSN 2676-2013) is a double blind peer reviewed Bi-Annual open source Journal from Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Laghouat, Algeria, DJEI has not article submission and processing charges, with a strong Editorial Board and a tested rapid peer review system. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue intends to contribute to the development and propagation of knowledge on management, commerce, Accounting, Marketing & Economics; thus feeding scholars, researchers and practitioners with valuable new insights from theory and practice. In the same line Dirassat Journal Economic Issue invites authors to submit: - empirical papers analyzing specific questions using qualitative or quantitative techniques - conceptual papers developing propositions and outlining further research In all above cases, Dirassat Journal Economic Issue encourages quality papers by reseresearchers. DJEI’s this quest for quality is reflected in the structure of journal’s editorial board as well as the strong network of reviewers, which allows the peer review process to be rigorous and constructive, helping to advance research work. Dirassat Journal Economic Issue publishes original scientific works of researchers in all of the above fields in any of the following languages: Arabic, English, or French.


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ننبه عناية السادة الباحثين، الراغبين في نشر مقالاتهم في مجلة دراسات العدد الاقتصادي، أن استقبال المقالات يتم على طول السنة، وعليه ننبه إلى ضرورة تحميل القالب الجديد من موقع المجلة على المنصة، أو من خلال موقعها الثاني (أنقر هنا).

مع التأكيد على ضرورة احترام قالب النشر في المجلة.

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مع تحيات إدارة تحرير المجلة

Call for papers

Manuscripts may be submitted on any topic related to Economics, Management, Finance, and Accounting. We are seeking original, unpublished research papers, Noting that receiving articles remains open throughout the year.

All manuscripts must be subjected to the template format (click here).

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Analyse spatiale des disparités de revenu au Maroc

كركوش عبد الرحيم,  العتماني إبراهيم,  بنصباحو عزيز, 

Résumé: Le but de cet article est d'analyser les disparités spatiales aux régions du Maroc en ‎recourant ‎à ‎l’analyse exploratoire des données spatiales ‎appliquée aux PIB régionale par habitant ‎et ‎la ‎valeur de la disparité du PIB par habitant (l’indicateur dérivé) pour la période 2012 ‎et ‎‎2017‎. ‎Les résultats dégagés indiquent l’existence d'une forte autocorrélation spatiale ‎globale ‎et ‎locale, aussi qu'un écart dans la répartition de la richesse. Ce qui nécessite ‎un ‎développement ‎économique régional pour la répartition des richesses nationales et mise ‎au ‎point ‎de la croissance économique globale entre les différentes régions du pays.‎

Mots clés: disparités spatiales ; autocorrélation spatiale ; analyse spatiale ; indice de Moran ; indice ‎de ‎Geary‎ ‎

Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés

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