The Journal of "Transport and Port Activities Law" is a double-blind peer-reviewed, published annually and free of charge, open-access journal published by the Laboratory of Transport and Port Activities Law (LADMAR), under the direction of Professor Fatima BOUKHATMI, Mohamed Ben Ahmed University, Oran 2. The Journal focuses on : * Feeding the doctrine on transport law and port activities, such as those relating to transport auxiliaries, customs law, banking law, commercial law, land and air transport, international maritime law, law of the sea, fishing and aquaculture, Incoterms, Maritime pollution, Coastal law, Port law, Consumer law, Marine space planning, Containerization, Maritime insurance, Dry ports and Port authorities. * Establish a legislative watch to know how to identify new texts, both national and international in this area. * List the Algerian and international case law in this area and comment on it. * Encourage the publication of young doctoral students as part of their training. * Publish feature articles from high grade teachers. * Publish the proceedings of the study days and conferences held in Algeria or abroad and whose theme is similar to that of the laboratory. * Summary of theses and dissertation defended in the theme of the laboratory.
بوخاتمي فاطمة,
الكلمات المفتاحية: النقل البحري ; تحديث ; القانون البحري
برياني سمية,
الكلمات المفتاحية: حماية البيئة البحرية ; التلوث البحري ; التشريع الجزائري ; الإجراءات الوقائية والردعية ; المنطقة المتاخمة ; المياه الإقليمية ; المياه الداخلية ; protecting the marine environment ; marine pollution ; Algerian legislation ; preventive and deterrent legal rules ; contiguous zone ; territorial waters ; internal waters
الماحي فاطيمة زهرة شريفة
برياني سمية
دحماني محمد الصغير
قمراوي عز الدين
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