The Algerian Business Performance Review (ABPR) is a semi-annual free peer-reviewed and international Open-Access Academic Journal. ABPR is published by the faculty of economic and commercial sciences and management, University of Kasdi Merbah Ouargla (Algeria) in coordination with two laboratories: laboratory of organizations and economies performance in globalization (LPEEM) and laboratory of organizations and natural environment economics (EcoNature). The ABPR journal publishes original scientific research papers, in three languages: Arabic, English and French, in mainly interesting studies focused on: theoretical and empirical researches related to the performance of institutions, organizations, governments, and economic sectors at national, regional and international level.
بن ساسي عبد الحفيظ
محجوبي هناء
سليماني مليكة
طير محمد
بوزيد سايح
خمقاني محمد الطيب
بوختالة سمير
مجول ليليا
لمار رضوان
خليل خميس
دلهوم خليدة
حورية بالأطرش
أنفال تقريت
موساوي عبد الرحمان
قطوش مريم
العابد محمد
طار عبد القدوس
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