Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 10-51

La Répartition Spatiale De L'offre De Soins Publics à Annaba: Quels Liens Avec La Hiérarchie Urbaine?

Auteurs : Azzouzi Amar . Acidi Abdelhak .


Currently, the conflicts in the majority of cities in the world, and Algeria is no exception, are at the origin of the urban elements poorly implanted in their space system. This article will focus precisely on one of these elements which are the sanitary system and precisely will gravitate around the provision of public care in the province of Annaba. In this study, based on the statistical approach based on the application of the Chi2 nonparametric test, we will try to understand the links between the spatial organization of the provision of public care and the urban hierarchy in the twelve communes of the province of Annaba. It appears that the institutions respond to a distribution in agreement with the urban hierarchy demonstrating that there is a spatial logic in the supply. The hierarchy of the provision of public care is a reflection of the urban hierarchy: At each level of the urban hierarchy, an element of the health pyramid.

Mots clés

public health care, urban hierarchy, Chi2 test, spatial distribution, Annaba.