Models & Optimisation and Mathematical Analysis Journal
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 11-16

Study Of A Breast Cancer Epidemiology Among The Female Patients: Case Of Tiaret Region, Algeria.

Authors : Bacha Soufiane . Adim Hakim . Belarbi Mostefa . Adda Chahrazed .


Cancer poses the highest clinical, social and economic among all human diseases. Breast cancer is one of the most dangerous and frequently occurring cancers among women. Breast cancer starts when cells in the breasts grow out of control and form a tumor. According to the American Cancer Society, factors that affect one’s chances of developing breast cancer include age, lifestyle (e.g., alcohol consumption), and family history. Factors affecting the mortality of breast cancer patients include education level and race [18]. Mar et al. [19] assessed breast cancer rates based on age and other risk factors, such as family history and genetic factors. [20] also assess mortality trends in breast cancer by age. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of marital status on breast cancer- specific mortality in women and evaluate the role of race in this association. Furthermore, The goal of this study was to determine the incidence rate and some risk factors of breast cancer in women with various sub-types and stages, to identify subgroup(s) that might potentially benefit from breast cancer. Due to this, we propose here an analytical method and a tool for periodic and long-term measurement of cancer behaviors and age, race, and marital status parameters. These data will then be analyzed using computer tools (SPSS) to extract knowledge and eventually develop predictive cancer models. The Tiaret region will be a field for data collection and validation of the models or tools developed.


Breast cancer ; statistical analytical method ; Arcgis, ; spss ; cancer registry ; incidence, ; epidemiology.