حوسبة اللغة العربية
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 18-39
الكاتب : أمينة أدغيري .
The twentieth century marked the emergence of a new branch of applied linguistics, which is computational linguistics. The latter constituted a strong turning point in how language is studied, as it is one of the interdisciplinary sciences that attempts to study natural languages in relation to artificial intelligence methods.In other words, it is the stage of characterizing the language of the computer.This stage of characterization is about setting linguistic, and computer rules, and laws to model the language from a set of algorithms that <<†ñ]ˆ¢]IÌ×Ö^e<ê×Âçe<àe<íféŠu<íÃÚ^q<–<áçßËÖ]æ<h]û]<íé×Ò<…]‚‘c 19 the computer can deal with.Then try to characterize this modeling to verify the validity of those linguistic phenomena.Then comes the automatic processing of natural language, which derives its theoretical framework from computational linguistics, and artificial intelligence techniques, to design and implement automated systems for processing linguistic data analysis and synthesis.So that artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering methods are a solution to the language dilemma.But the applications of this artificial intelligence and the process of linguistic computing an urgent need for a set of linguistic resources, on top of which is ontology.
Ontology, Corpus, computational linguistics, Protege, Nooj, WordNet, Semantic Net, Subsumption, Semantic relationships, Entities, Classes, Individuals, Attributes, Lexicon, Digitizing dictionaries, Linguistic resource,
سميــــر بـــوخروف
أمينة أدغيري
ص 40-51.
صليحة بلاش
أمينة أدغيري
ص 40-51.
عبد الباسط عبد الصمد بن الصديق
طاهر براهيمي
ص 22-36.