algerian journal of environmental science and technology
Volume 3, Numéro 3, Pages 595-603

Costing Of Total Biomass, C-stock And Co2 Sequestered By The Trees Out Of Forest (tof) At Telineelapuram Bird Protected Area, An Iba Site; In 229 India

Authors : Ramamohan H. .


Changing climatic conditions, loss of agricultural production and biodiversity are the brain storming and much debated fields in recent past. The major root causes for the above issues are growing carbon levels at an upsetting rate in the atmosphere and on the other hand qualitative and quantitative loss of vegetation every year. To combat apart from other carbon sources, evaluation of standing biomass (AGB and BGB) of Trees out of Forest (TOF) area and C-stock will give a feasible solution for our present and future obstacles. The current study intended to bring out the total biomass and C-stock of nesting trees both Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and Below Ground Biomass (BGB) with the help of non-destructive allometric method. Since it is a bird protected area and recording total biomass and C-stock change over time is vital for the protection. This study is aimed to estimate the total CO2 sequestered by the nesting trees at Telineelapuram. Since, the two important Near-threatened category migratory bird species (Pelicanus philippensis and Mycteria leucephala) are using different tree species for their nesting, breeding and roosting purposes.


C-Stock, Above Ground Biomass (AGB), Below Ground Biomass (BGB), Bird Protected Area, Non-destructive allometric method, Carbon Sequestration.