
المجلة العربية للدراسات الأنثروبولوجية المعاصرة


"Anthropologia" Review is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual and free of charge, open-access journal published by the Fa3iloon For research in Anthropology and human and social sciences, Algeria. The journal focuses on the following topics: Anthropology; Cultural Studies; and sociology. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. The journal carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of Anthropology and near fields in five languages (English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Amazigh). The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version is free access and download. All papers around the world are very welcome in our International Journal. Manuscripts can be sent at any time for the tow issues (January and June). Copyright In accordance with best practices in the free access environment, the journal reserves the full rights of authors to published articles and is entitled to dispose of them without any restrictions from the journal.


بخصوص النشر في مجلة أنثروبولوجيا

يرجى من كافة الباحثين الراغبين في ارسال مقالاتهم إلى مجلة انثروبولوجيا تحميل القالب الخاص بالمجلة من خانة تعليمات للمؤلف. وكذا تحميل دليل المؤلف مع احترام الشروط الشكلية واجراءات وقواعد النشر.

ونحيطهم علما ان
باب النشر في المجلة مفتوح دائما ولا يوجد تاريخ محدد لاستقبال المقالات (الاستقبال طول أيام السنة)

كما نود ان نلفت انتباه كافة الباحثين بعد صب مقالاتهم في قالب الوورد إلى ضرورة كتابة العنوان بالانجليزية في نفس خانة العنوان بالعربية بينهما مسافة espace

وكذا الملخص باللغتين العربية والانجليزية في نفس الخانة وكذا الكلمات المفتاحية (5) كلمات مفتاحية بسيطة باللغنين العربية والإنجليزية في نفس الخانة

معالجة المقالات:

يتم معالجة المقالات مرة كل شهر

 All researchers wishing to submit their articles to the Journal of Anthropology are kindly requested to download the journal template from the Author's Instructions box. As well as downloading the author's guide while respecting the formal conditions, procedures and rules of publication.

We inform them that publication in the magazine is always open and there is no specific date for receiving articles (reception throughout the year).

We would also like to draw the attention of all researchers, after submitting their articles into Word, to the necessity of writing the title in English in the same field as the title in Arabic, with an espace space between them.

As well as the summary in Arabic and English in the same box, as well as the keywords (5) simple keywords in Arabic and English in the same box.


Article processing:

The articles are processed once a month 






