مجلة الباحث للعلوم الرياضية والاجتماعية

Elbahith journal for sports and social sciences


El-Bahith Journal of Science is an international biannual refereed scientific journal issued by Ziane Achour University in Djelfa, Algeria. It is a diverse magazine of disciplines and fields provided by the Algerian University in various scientific fields that are concerned with sports sciences, human and social sciences, economic sciences, technological sciences and media and communication research. As well as legal and political studies, linguistic and literary investigations, various disciplines, fields, research and forward-looking studies, which adhere to the conditions and steps of scientific research, and are characterized by comprehensiveness, accuracy, clear scientific methodology in different languages :Arabic, English, Spanish, French. The magazine also publishes, in addition to the aforementioned, the following: - Reports on conferences, seminars and workshops organized by the university and held inside or outside Algeria, with the possibility of allocating special issues according to research requirements; Within the scope of the university’s openness to the external environment and its contribution to national developmental efforts. - It also displays summaries of theses that have been discussed and approved. - Reviewing a variety of distinguished books and latest reports. The magazine is issued periodically in June and January. This is to create a kind of combination of converging specialties as well as to contribute to the resurrection and promotion of academic training and professional trajectory of professors and research students, as it is considered an electronic academic platform for researchers who are active in the field of various local, regional and global issues. The journal is also overseen by an editorial board consisting of professors who are qualified experts in various disciplines from national and foreign universities and research centers. The magazine is available for reading and downloading on the online portal of national journals. It has a hard copy and an electronic copy with free download and open access, indexed in international databases, and a website: www.elbahith.com



                                                            دعوة للمساهمة في النشر | كلية العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية                                       

يطيبُ لهيئة تحرير "مجلة الباحث للعلوم الرياضية و الاحتماعية " الصادرة عن جامعة زيان عاشور بالجلفة، دعوة  كافة الأساتذة والباحثين من الجامعات الجزائرية والأجنبية والمهتمين بنشر مقالاتهم العلمية باللغات الأربع (العربية، الإنجليزية، الفرنسية، و الإسبانية) في حقول العلم و المعرفة حسب مجالات المجلة ضمن المجلـد: 03 - العـدد: 01 - جانفـي 2021 (العـدد التسلسلي 07).

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